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Antique Silver
Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Reference: S11132
Period: George VI
Year: Circa 1950
Silversmith: Kurt Jobst
Place: Johannesburg
Price: $ 180.00
Weight: 63 grams
Dimensions: 20.0 cm
Condition: Excellent.

Description: An interesting Arts & Crafts copper ladle made by of of South Africa's leading Arts & Crafts silversmiths, the Austrian immigrant Kurt Jobst. The ladle has a long tapered handle, and a circular bowl that is quite flat, the bowl connected to the handle with a rat tail. The bowl (front and back) and the top of the handle are planished (hand hammered leaving a wonderful textured finish), in classic Arts & Crafts fashion, the back of the handle is smooth. The hallmarks are well struck and clear, and include his trademark "unicorn" KJ mark, along with "Jobst". Jobst was born in Austria in 1905, he served his apprenticeship in Hanau, Germany, his influence was the Bauhaus movement. He emigrated with his family in 1936 from Austria to South Africa to escape Hitler, and became one of Johannesburg's leading silversmiths. He was commissioned by the South African Government to make the official wedding present for Queen Elizabeth in 1947 (a silver box with diamond necklace), he also made silver for Ernest Oppenheimer (cigar box, bowls and dishes). He died in a car crash in 1971 aged 66, in 1977 a book of his work was published. Nadine Gordimer (Nobel Prize winner) wrote the introduction, she wrote that Jobst "gave Joburg some style" (source www.kurtjobst.eu, a website we recommend, a tribute to Jobst by his son). We normally focus on silver spoons, but could not resist this beautiful copper ladle. We would welcome information on other Kurt Jobst copper pieces, thank you.
Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished

Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Kurt Jobst hallmarks

Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Jobst copper ladle

Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Jobst copper rat tail bowl

Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Kurt Jobst copper ladle bowl

Kurt Jobst Arts & Crafts Copper Rat Tail Ladle - Hand Hammered, Planished
Jobst copper spoon, scale

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